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Cartoon Movie nicht mehr in Deutschland

12. September 2008

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Cartoon Movie, das Koproduktionsforum für europäische Animationsfilme, finde im kommenden Jahr vom 4. bis 6. März erstmals in Lyon statt, meldet Blickpunkt:Film. Cartoon – European Association of Animation habe mitgeteilt, dass die Tatsache, dass sich Frankreich in den vergangenen Jahren zum führenden europäischen Markt für Animationsfilme entwickelt hat, zu der Entscheidung für eine Verlegung von Potsdam, wo Cartoon Movie in den vergangenen zehn Jahren stattgefunden hat, nach Lyon geführt habe. Auch werde man dort die Gelegenheit haben, Synergien zwischen der Animationsbranche und der in Lyon gut gehenden Videospieleindustrie zu nutzen: „Cartoon Movie zieht um“.

Die Cartoon-Pressemitteilung im Wortlaut:

Cartoon Movie moves to Lyon

Brussels, 10th September 2008.

The European Association of Animation Film, CARTOON, is pleased to announce that, after 10 years spent at the Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam (Berlin), Cartoon Movie is moving to the city of Lyon (France) as from 2009.

These last years, France has become the uncontested European leader in the animation film market. This is one of the factors that accounts for the arrival in France of this forum dedicated to European feature-length animation films.

The settling of Cartoon Movie in Lyon will offer the opportunity to strengthen the already solid position of the Rhône-Alpes region in the audiovisual and cinema market, and more specifically in the area of animation film.

Indeed, Cartoon Movie will become the third axis of a triangle, which includes CITIA in Annecy, organiser of the most renowned Festival and international Market of animation film in the world, and La Cartoucherie near Valence, a new centre built around Folimage Studios and the animation film school “La Poudrière”, whose productions and end-of-study films are internationally recognised.

The next edition of Cartoon Movie will take place from 4th to 6th March 2009 at the Congress Centre “Cité Internationale” in Lyon. It will also offer the opportunity to establish a new synergy between the European animation film market and the video games market, which is a thriving industry in Lyon.

Cartoon Movie’s move to Lyon is taking place with the collaboration of the Centre National du Cinéma (CNC), the Rhône-Alpes Region and the Greater Lyon Urban Community.


Created in 1999 with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Cartoon Movie is the European co-production forum for feature-length animation films. Each year, producers along with their creative teams, investors and distributors from Europe meet for three days to view new animation projects for the cinema. The event brings together 500 professionals from 30 countries. In 10 years, Cartoon Movie has been instrumental in the release of 123 European animation films, 17 of which were a huge success with more than one million cinema admissions! The enthusiasm of filmgoers for animation film is growing, since each year more than 25 million Europeans go to the cinema to see an animation film created and produced in Europe.
